2014 UTA Spring Conference June 25-28

The UTA Annual Conference will be held at the Embassy Suites, Indianapolis North June 25 to 28. Please try to attend. We will be covering some very important topics, and learning from each other. There’s always a lot of fun too! Room cost is $91 per night. This includes a wonderful breakfast buffet and a daily reception with drinks and snacks. Make your reservations as soon as possible. See you in June!

Many trustees don’t understand why the United Township Association was created. We have some simple ideas to help townships.

  1. Every penny spent with the UTA is used to better inform our members through conferences and regional workshops. All our officers and directors are VOLUNTEERS. There is no payroll.
  2. Many of you have gone to conferences & attended many seminars. Seminars are good, but the UTA has found that you learn MORE from fellow trustees sitting at your table. If you’re confused about something, just ask. At the UTA conference, we want you to be comfortable and have an enjoyable time. Your questions will be answered. After all….We’re all in this together!

P.S…..We still have seminars!

Click here for conference registration form

Click here for hotel registration info -

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