Archive for the ‘Legislative Info’ Category

Synopsis of HB 1005- 2012 Session

There are a number of issues relative to Township Government included in House Bill 1005, which was passed by the Indiana Legislature in the 2012 session. Effective January 1, 2013: Provides that an employee of a county, city, town or township (unit) is considered to have resigned from employment with the unit if the employee […]

2012 Legislative Session Info


Three pieces of legislation of interest to township governments were passed in the 2012 session: HB 1005- [Click here for synopsis of bill] Eliminates government unit employees and volunteer firefighters from also holding elected positions for that unit Establishes regulations regarding employment in units of government for relatives of elected officials Establishes rules for units […]

Township Board Elimination Bill Defeated in Senate


SB 405, which would have eliminated Township Boards and transferred township fiscal and legislative authority to the county council was defeated in the Senate by a vote of 21 for and 28 against.

2011 Legislative Session Has Arrived


Check here for legislative updates throughout the session.

No Legislative Changes to Townships in 2010


Neither of two proposed legislative changes to township government passed during the 2010 Indiana General Assembly.

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